All content on this site is the copyrighted material of Mary-Lou Watkins.
This website, including all images, text, software, and other content is the property of Mary-Lou Watkins/Salty Ginger and is protected by New Zealand and international copyright laws. All rights reserved.
We own or license all intellectual property rights in this website and all content contained on it, including but not limited to all products, brand names, logos, trademarks, designs, artwork, photographs, text, visual effects, graphics, and source code.
You may have the opportunity to download ebooks or other digital products from our Website or newsletter. If you decide to do this, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable license to use the product(s). You agree that you are not allowed to modify, distribute, sell, share, republish, or create derivative content from any information provided to you without express consent from Salty Ginger.
You have our permission to use a link to our Website from your website. You may use one photo or paragraph from any post, with a mandatory link back to the post on our Website where it originated.
Re-posting an entire recipe, more than one paragraph of a post, using photos without a link back to this site, or presenting any of our content as your own is not allowed.
Using images from this website or associated social media accounts to promote products and/or business in any way without a contract or consent from Salty Ginger is not allowed.
Any distribution of content from Salty Ginger beyond what is described constitutes copyright infringement.
You may view and print any content displayed on the Website for personal, non-commercial use, provided that all copyright and attribution notices remain intact.
By using this website you agree not to reproduce, publish, transmit, sell, license, distribute, or create derivative content from this Website or any part of it, without written consent from Salty Ginger.
Thank you for understanding. For further information please email me at